Poll: Favourite June 2012 Cinema Release? 0 953

Thoughts On Film - June 2012 cinema poll

We’ve decided to add a new regular feature to Thoughts On Film in the form of opinion polls. We want to know your opinions on whatever the cinematic topic at hand may be. For the time being it will be voting on your favourite (UK) cinema release from the previous month but that may change over time.

On top of your vote we also want your feedback on the feature – the types of polls you’d want to see in the future or if you even like the idea of opinion polls being on the site in general.. whatever! The poll will be available in a regular post whenever a new one goes up but it will also be permanently available at the bottom right of the home page.

Please vote on the poll below! Note: If you choose “Other” please leave a comment with your film of choice.

Favourite June release (UK)?
The Angels’ Share
Rock of Ages
Red Lights
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Chernobyl Diaries
The Five-Year Engagement
Friends With Kids
Killer Joe

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I'm a freelance film reviewer and blogger with over 10 years of experience writing for various different reputable online and print publications. In addition to my running, editing and writing for Thoughts On Film, I am also the film critic for The National, the newspaper that supports an independent Scotland, covering the weekly film releases, film festivals and film-related features. I have a passion for all types of cinema, and have a particular love for foreign language film, especially South Korean and Japanese cinema. Favourite films include The Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction and 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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Poll: Most Anticipated Movie Still To Come in 2012? 12 2305

Thoughts On Film - Most Anticipated Still To Come in 2012 poll

Continuing on our new poll feature here on Thoughts On Film we have decided to change from asking what your favourite release of the previous month was – June’s winner was William Friedkin’s unforgettable Killer Joe – to ask which movie that’s yet to be released in 2012 are you most anticipating?

Many of the big films are behind us now but there’s still plenty more to look forward to. As always the poll will be available in this, its own individual post, and permanently at the bottom right of the home page.

Please vote below for your most anticipated! Note: This poll pertains to the UK release schedule and therefore some highly anticipated movies like Django Unchained and Lincoln, which aren’t released until early 2013, are not included. Also, only after posting the poll and voting commenced did we realize Gangster Squad has been pushed back to 2013. You can still vote for it as your most anticipated, however.

Most anticipated movie still to come in 2012? (UK)
The Bourne Legacy
The Expendables 2
Anna Karenina
Resident Evil: Retribution
Taken 2
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2
The Master
Gangster Squad
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Life of Pi
The Great Gatsby
Other (please comment)

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Chernobyl Diaries Movie Review 0 1706

Chernobyl Diaries Movie Review

A group of tourists decide to go on an extreme tourism trip to Pripyat, the town affected by the famous Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Once there and having looked around they go to leave but can’t as they discover their van has been sabotaged. They soon discover that the seemingly abandoned town might not be abandoned after all.

Co-written and produced by Oren Peli (creator of the Paranormal Activity franchise) Chernobyl Diaries has an compelling, if rather far-fetched, premise which has a lot of potential for the sort of horror movie it’s aiming to be. Unfortunately first-time director Brad Parker and writers Peli, Carey Van Dyke and Shane Van Dyke can’t find anything interesting to do with that premise, taking far too long to get into the swing of things and failing to muster up any real scares beyond prolonged silences and loud noises.

It’s not that jump scares aren’t a good tactic for a horror movie as, in fact, many of the greatest horror movies of all time feature signature moments of something jumping out at you. However, there’s a difference between timing one of those scares well – building tension and atmosphere so that when that moment does arrive it really hits you – and just having a loud noise after the silence of characters wandering around in the dark. It’s only human to jump at a loud bang, it doesn’t mean the film is effectively scary.

The movie somehow manages to make its interesting premise, cinematically unique location and monsters (of which I will not the spoil the nature of) rather tedious. Spending time with a bunch of characters we’re never given the opportunity or any reason to truly care about (binding two of the characters as brothers and a weak subplot about a marriage proposal is weak) not least because they make the most stupid of decisions at times, it’s repetitive and frustratingly slow when it should be pacy, exciting and most importantly of all frightening.

Chernobyl Diaries is the type of bland, unengaging movie that gives the horror genre a bad name. A muddled bunch of derivative ideas blended together with poor pacing, characterisation, too man leaps in logic and crucially a lack of any real substantial scares, this is horror you do not want to waste your time on. Is it the worst horror movie ever made? Absolutely not, as at least there’s an attempt at something worthwhile going on here with an intriguing premise. Unfortunately it’s all about the execution and in that respect the movie fails.

[youtube id=”7ahXXRYU558″ width=”600″ height=”350″]